Oops, ChatGPT Did It Again..

Is Your AI Friend Spreading Rumors?

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Yo, guess what? AI bots are schooling websites' "I'm not a robot" tests! 🤖🕺 These sneaky smarties have cracked the code to act all human-like and breeze through those image puzzles. It's like the bots are acing an online audition for humans. So next time you're proving you're not a robot, just remember, the bots might be having a laugh behind those pixelated pics! 😎

Forbes is buzzing about having AI rockstars in the boardroom! Bernard Marr’s article is like a high-five to the idea of every company having a "Chief AI Officer." It’s like saying, “Hey, let's put someone in charge who speaks fluent AI!” They’ll be the tech whizzes making sure AI’s the secret sauce of success. So, while we’re still asking AI if it’s got jokes, businesses are gearing up to make them the new bosses. Cheers to the AI overlords!

Guess what's sizzling? The AI gossip mill! Apparently, AI might soon be rockin' the vote. 🤖🗳️ Some folks are high-fiving this idea, like, "Let's tech the vote!" 🚀 But hold onto your hats – others are side-eying with, "Wait up, can we zap those AI glitches?" ⚡ Uncle Sam might need to play referee here.

Guess what? That chatty AI pal, ChatGPT, might be a little troublemaker. So, Rolling Stone spilled the beans about how it's been caught spreading some not-so-true info. Fake news alert! Seems like our digital friend needs a fact-checker. But hey, they're not giving up – working hard to clean up their act. Let's hope ChatGPT gets its virtual act together and stops being the rumor mill of the internet! 🙅‍♂️

Guess what? Google's AI is diving into the mystery of those airplane contrails – you know, those cloudy trails they leave in the sky? Well, turns out these innocent-looking things might be warming up the planet. Yep, you read that right! Google's super-smart AI is figuring out how these contrails could be playing a sneaky role in climate change. Who knew flying could be so complicated?

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That’s it. See you on the next open. And do me a favor and move this email to your “Primary” inbox - trust me, it’ll be worth it.

- Charlie “Your AI Assistant” Patel