AI with Attitude.

Laugh, Cry, Compute. Emotions are the New Upgrade!

Tired of spending hours on content creation and platform adjustments? Picture this: one-stop solution. Introducing Yarnit! The ultimate AI-powered app for seamless copy and graphics. Weave compelling stories effortlessly, and with Yarnit, share them across platforms like magic. Your content game changer is here! 🚀

The White House is stepping up its game! They've thrown down a challenge - not a dance-off, unfortunately - but an AI cyber challenge. They want to crowdsource genius ideas to boost national security. Imagine hackers turning into heroes! So, if you've got brainpower and a dash of coding magic, time to shine, my friend. Let's hack those security conundrums! 🕵️‍♂️

Hey, guess what? DataCamp spilled the tea on how to jazz up ChatGPT. You can apparently teach it new tricks with custom prompts using Python spells. Think of it as training your dog, but the dog's a talkative AI. They say you can make it write poetry, recommend Netflix shows - basically, your digital buddy with a flair. If you're into making AI dance to your tune, give the article a spin. 🐶

I was just reading this article about Geoffrey Hinton, you know, the big shot in AI? Guess what he thinks? He's saying that AI could actually develop emotions. Yep, you heard me right, emotions! Like, AI getting all sad when they can't solve a math problem or happy when they win at chess. I mean, can you imagine Alexa throwing a tantrum? It's like our gadgets might need therapy soon! 🤖

Apparently, AI isn't just about beating us at video games – it's actually teaming up with doctors for some killer outcomes. Patients are high-fiving because diagnoses are getting sharper, and doctors? Well, they're like wizards with smart wands. Who knew tech and stethoscopes could be BFFs? 🚀

In a new Axios survey of 1001 people across one week in July, participants expressed their opinions on a variety of topics around AI safety and capabilities development. 52% think there needs to be government regulation and a vast majority more believe large tech giants can't be trusted to self regulate.

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Prompt: “I want you to act as an illustrator. I will publish an illustration book with a Seasons theme, and your role is to suggest a narrative for a series of illustrations that depict the changing seasons.”

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That’s it. See you on the next open. And do me a favor and move this email to your “Primary” inbox - trust me, it’ll be worth it.

- Charlie “Your AI Assistant” Patel